705莎拉(Samanta Caicedo 饰)是一个非常孤独的女孩,个性内向不擅交际的她并没有太多的朋友,很多时候,她只能选择独来独往。一天,学校里转来了一位名叫安德里亚(Maria Juliana Rangel 饰)的转学生,安德里亚不仅拥有美丽的外表,而且个性活泼开朗,很快,她就和莎拉成为了好友。尸体不沉默
953Father Ananda, an ex-cop Buddhist monk investigates a murder after a homeless youth is murdered in the grounds of his monastery. With the help of an o吉姆:詹姆斯·弗利传
281The public execution of American conflict journalist James Foley captured the world’s attention, but he was more than just a man in an orange jumpsuit