949The dead are coming back to life outside the isolated Mi'gMaq reserve of Red Crow, except for its Indigenous inhabitants who are strangely immune to t -
465A woman gets an opportunity to save the life of a 12-year old boy who witnessed a death during a thunderstorm which happened 25 years ago, by getting -
169An imprisoned criminal rats out his former boss for one last chance to reunite his family and become the father he never was. -
195年过半百的唐·琼斯顿(比尔·默瑞 Bill Murray 饰)一生拥有数不尽的浪漫恋情和风流韵事,但他从来无意组建家庭,只愿享受热恋的激情,任凭一个个出色的女性从身边流走,展开别样的人生。这一天,唐收到一封某前女友的来信,信中称继承了他血脉的儿子离家出走,正踏上一段寻父旅程。万千情愫,难以言喻,唐也